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作者:尼尔·H. 德夫林,马伦体育信息总监
'Stangs boys cool in the pool; girls tennis keeps rolling; girls soccer headed to quarters; baseball loses in league tourney; track and field set for state championships.

Their participation numbers are nowhere near great, they don’t have a pool to call their own and they’re going up against some recognized powers.

然而, 这些对马伦的野马来说都不重要, 特别是在星期六, as they somehow managed to take fourth 的地方 in the Class 4A championships for boys swimming and diving held at the Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center in Thornton.

Laced with assorted, high-end efforts, the Mustangs had about as much enjoyment as possible.

“I knew we could do it,” head coach Beckie Mutz said. “他们是一个很好的团队.”

詹姆斯·加里根, a senior headed to swim at Chapman College in California, explained it as “I just went out there and it was my last high-school meet, so I was super-excited to go out with my team and it was fun.

“We only have about eight guys and that was a really ridiculous performance.  我会想念它的. 没有什么能形容高中的游泳. 这里的能量太棒了.”

加利根并列第二,这很不寻常, the Mustangs were part of three ties – in the 50-yard freestyle and tied teammate Henry Montgomery for fourth in the 100 breaststroke in addition to helping two relay teams that 的地方d.

Noah Mooney was second in the 200-yard individual medley and fifth in the 100 backstroke, 还有两个接力赛的另一个关键环节.

托马斯Bradac, 本套头衫, Montgomery and Oliver Valdez also provided solid efforts for points and bought into the team’s concept.

Cheyenne Mountain was first with 349 points and Mullen totaled 257.50.

But this is one the Mustangs can look back on fondly.

“大发彩票平台的气氛很好,”穆尼说. “Everyone gets along as well … we train really hard and we showed up today.”


在vmac Thornton

马伦队得分- 257.50分,4分th 的地方.

200码混合泳接力 3. (Noah Mooney, 詹姆斯·加里根, Henry Montgomery, 本套头衫), 1:34.91.

〇200米自由泳 20. 托马斯·布拉达克1分55秒.35.

200米个人混合泳 2. 诺亚·穆尼,1分56秒.01; 4. 奥利弗·瓦尔迪兹,1分58秒.02.

〇50 freestyle 2. (并列)詹姆斯·加利根,21岁.36.

100蝴蝶—— 3. 亨利·蒙哥马利,51岁.30.

200米自由泳接力—— 5. (詹姆斯·加里根, 托马斯Bradac, 本套头衫, Henry Montgomery), 1:30.40.

〇100米仰泳 5. 诺亚·穆尼,53岁.58; 11. 奥利弗·瓦尔迪兹,55岁.99.

〇100米蛙泳 4. (并列)亨利·蒙哥马利和詹姆斯·加利根,58岁.67.

400米自由泳接力—— 5. (tie) (Noah Mooney, 托马斯Bradac, 本套头衫, Oliver Valdez), 3:20.66.



Despite the 4A Individual Tournament in Pueblo being downsized from three days to two because of the recent inclement weather and taking 的地方 over two sites, 他们在周六把所有的七行都放进去了.

They turned in a championship, two runners-up, one third 的地方 and three fourths.

他们有很多支持-不. 第一名是莱西·约斯特和第一名. 3 doubles Anna Lawrence-Maisie McMorrow were runners-up; No. 2 singles Lilly Evans was third; and No. 3 singles Savanna Hanley; No. 1 doubles Grace Brouillette-Avery Walters; and No. 2 doubles Clara Dailey-Claire Lenich all were fourth.

And there’s more to come -- Mullen is in the 4A Team Tournament and will take on ever-present Cheyenne Mountain on Tuesday, 5月16日, 在最后. In addition to winning in the first-ever team tourney for girls, a victory would mean a second team championship for Mullen over three seasons.




No. 1个单打 莱克西·约斯特以3胜1负获得亚军.

No. 2个单打- 莉莉·埃文斯以4胜1负获得第三名.

No. 〇3个单打 萨凡纳·汉利以3胜2负获得第四名.

No. 1双- Grace Brouillette-Avery Walters were 3-2 and finished fourth.

No. 2双打- Clara Dailey-Claire Lenich were 3-2 and 的地方d fourth.

No. 〇3个双打 Anna Lawrence-Maisie McMorrow were 3-1 and were runners-up.

No. 〇4个双打 Emma Lehman-Grace Jeffers were 4-0 and were champions.


At home, the Mustangs we were aware of what was in front of them.

8号种子马伦战胜了1号种子. 9 Durango 3-2 in the second round of the 4A playoffs and feels the better for it.

“我认为这将是一场精彩的战斗, 我觉得大发彩票平台打得非常好,主教练马特·德吉蒂斯说. “Our organization was spectacular and our goal-keeping spot on.”

他们必须这样——杜兰戈在75分比赛中得分了th minute to make it an interesting final 5 minutes, but Kendall Smith’s game-winner stood up for a trip to the quarterfinals.

Ella Grace scored twice in the first half for a 2-1 Mullen lead as she said she was “in the right position.”

接下来是头号种子路德队(16胜1负)的客场比赛。, which beat Mullen 3-1 earlier in the season and took down Cheyenne Mountain 4-0 on 周六, 四分之一决赛.

No doubt the Mustangs want – and have earned – another shot.


Grace, a senior forward, said “I think we want it a lot more. We’ve put in a lot of hard work in practice every day and after losing (to Lutheran), we’re back.”





〇马伦的目标 艾拉·格蕾丝,肯达尔·史密斯.

〇马伦助攻 Steffi Thomas, Kate Vezzani, Katie Luzietti.


在比尔斯威夫特球场的主场, the Mustangs lost 5-2 to Cherokee Trail in the final round of the Centennial League tournament.


The Mustangs also had their road game the past Friday at Far Northeast cancelled because of the rain and no available makeup date.

They will finish the regular season on Monday, May 15, at home against Arvada West in nonleague, 3 p.m., and settle for 22 games in the regular season.

Ryan 杰克逊 and Ben Krza (a double) drove home runs for the Mustangs. 杰克逊也在投手丘上承担了损失.

杰克逊, Krza, Dom Gamueda, Colin Mackenzie and Thomas Stewart hit safely for Mullen.

The Mustangs also await release of 4A Regional assignments on Wednesday, May 17. 他们当时17岁th 截至周六的4A RPI.


切诺基步道120 000 2 - 5 9 0

马伦000 002 00 - 2 5 2

马伦- Gamueda是3-1-1-0,Mackenzie是3-1-1-0,T. 斯图尔特2b 3-01-0, 杰克逊31-1-1, 3-0-1, 赫尔利3-0-0-0, 布雷迪3b 2-0-0-0, 波托夫3-0-0-0, 牡丹1b 3-0-0-0. 总数26-2-5-2.

E – 2. LOB - 4. SB – 杰克逊. BB – 布雷迪. 2B – Krza.

投手- - - - - - 杰克逊(左)7个篮板,9个篮板,5个后腰,4个内线,1个篮板,1个开球.


在格林伍德村的斯图特勒剧院, Mullen boys were sixth in the team standings in the delayed Centennial League Championships and its girls were seventh.

The meet was scheduled for a Thursday and 周六 slot, 但大雨把它变成了星期五和星期六.

值得注意的, the Mustangs fared well in distances with junior Jacob Sushinsky winning the 3,他在200米比赛中获得第二名,600, 艾米·奥康奈尔在第一局中获得第四名,600分,第三名,200.

也, 卢克·德内扎在撑杆跳高项目中名列第四, and Julia Brown (400) and Carmela Carbone (long jump) each were fifth in their specialties.

Mullen next heads into the 4A championships this week, 星期四至星期六, 在莱克伍德的杰斐逊县体育场.




〇球队得分 36分,6分th 的地方

〇100米 9. 塞缪尔·普瓦纳,11岁.07 seconds; 23. 桑蒂诺·多纳蒂,11岁.62; 24. 卡梅隆·刘易斯,11岁.63; 26. 加文·马丁内斯,11岁.76.

200 – 14. 塞缪尔·普瓦纳,22岁.51; 23. 卡梅隆·刘易斯,23岁.34; 24. 桑蒂诺·多纳蒂,23岁.40; 25. 约书亚·格罗斯,23岁.43.

400 – 7. 约书亚·格罗斯,52岁.66.

800 – 17. 凯莱布·贝尔彻,2:11.15; 25. 卢卡斯·卡雷拉,2:23.98.

1,600 – 2. Jacob Sushinsky, 4:2478; 27. 马太·伊根,5章18节.99; 28. 凯顿·加里森,5:22.17.

3,200 – 1. 雅各布·苏欣斯基,九点半.33.

〇110栏 18. 大卫·威克斯,17岁.93; 22. Stephen Welte, 18岁.42.

〇300栏 6. 大卫·威克斯,42岁.46; 22. 斯蒂芬·韦尔特,47岁.94.

400继电器- 6. 43.62.

〇1600接力 6. 3:31.63.

3200继电器 7. 9:39.14.

〇跳远 6. 乔纳森·亚历山大,20英尺,6英寸.75 inches; 17. Brannum Cyphers, 17-10.

〇撑杆跳高 4. 卢克·德内扎,12比2.

铁饼。 23. Hayden Wodruff, 93-10; 24. 凯登·韦恩,90胜8负.

—— 9. 海登·伍德拉夫,41-9.25; 19. 卡登·韦恩,33-9.5.


〇球队得分 32分,7分th 的地方.

100  -- 8. 佩奇·罗斯伯格,12岁.95; 12. 艾米丽·安德森,13岁.19; 17. 朱妮·琼斯,13岁.28; 19. 香农·麦卡锡,13岁.31.

200 – 7. 佩吉·罗斯伯格,26岁.78; 10. 艾米丽·安德森,27岁.60; 21. 朱莉娅·布朗,30岁.02.

400 -- 5. 茱莉亚·布朗,一点.78.

800 – 13. 杰奎琳·马戈尔斯基,两点半.35; 18. Lizzy McGarry, 2:35.72; 27. 伊莎贝尔·梅迪纳,3分04秒.98.

1,600 – 4. 艾米·奥康奈尔,5:12.82; 7. Kira Van Der Steen, 5分29秒.48; 15. 丽兹·麦克加里,6点11分.56.

3,200 – 2. 艾米·奥康奈尔,11:15.03; 9. Kira Van Der Steen, 12:09.13.

〇100栏 15. Miabella Guadagnoli, 20岁.34.

〇300栏 12. Miabella Guadagnoli, 51岁.00.

400继电器- 6. 51.24.

短跑混合泳接力 4. 1:53.69.

〇1600接力 6. 4:12.20.

3200继电器 5. 10:41.01.

〇跳远 5. 卡梅拉·卡邦,16比8.75; 18. Tatum Hansen, 13-5; 24. 克莱尔·斯拉多夫尼克,12比4.75; 25. 伊莎贝拉·齐格勒,12比1.75.

〇三级跳远 8. 卡梅拉·卡邦,33-0.55; 19. 克莱尔·斯拉多夫尼克,28-8.

〇撑杆跳高 7. 阿莫里·麦克道尔,8比10.